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Fishing Charter Costs

Written by Capt. Steve on Wednesday, 01 February 2012. Posted in Miscellaneous

Costs Involved To Run A Fishing Charter Business

All of our fishing captains have chosen this particular career for their passion of the outdoors and fishing.  Ask any of them and they'll tell you they are not in the business to get rich.  At VIP Fishing Charters we understand that fishing charters aren't cheap. We want to shed some light on all the expenses our captains and owners incur as to justify the price of their fishing trip.  First off fishing boats aren't cheap.  There is the long running joke that the two best days of owning a boat are the day you buy and they day you sell it.  All boats require constant maintenance and repairs, which don't come cheap.  Unfortunately fishing charter boats get even more wear and tear because of the amount of time the captains spend running them.  Any major repair to a boat can really eat in to any profits the captain has made that year.  All captains need to pay for their annual insurance and licenses.  Dockage fees are also big expense to any boat.  Fishing charters generally keep their boats at the most expensive docks because they need a ton of tourist foot traffic and exposure.  All the business they don't receive from people walking buy or repeat customers they must get through advertising.  This business is very competitive and advertising costs don't come cheap.  One of the biggest expenses for any boat is the fuel the burn.  As the price of gas goes up so does the expense for the captains.  The majority of our charters have two man crews and board and crew members a percentage of the charter or a salary.  Lastly every boat has to continually buy fishing supplies including bait.  So next time you dream of getting rich by becoming a fishing charter captain take into consideration and the expenses and hard work these captains put into their business.  

About the Author

Capt. Steve

Captain Steve's Bio

Steve was born in Bethesda, Maryland but has spent most of his life in South Florida.  Currently residing in Fort Lauderdale, Captain Steve is a partner in Ocean Brands LLC and operates VIP Fishing Charters.  Over the years Steve has cemented relationships with the top fishing captains and best fishing boats.  His mission when creating VIP Fishing Charters was to make sure every client has the best experience possible regardless of the conditions.  You can often times find Steve waiting at the dock after you arrive back from your fishing charter, making sure everyone had a great time and you caught a ton of fish!

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