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SEO For Fishing Charters

Written by Noah Chanin.

Let us help you get your fishing charter or fishing guide business ranked higher on search engines.

Let's face it. You didn't get into the fishing business because you wanted to spend all day behind a computer. But you did do it to earn a living and these days if your business is not easy to find online you're missing out on valuable leads. We can help you establish a presence online and get your business ranking higher on Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

The Proof is In the Pudding

We are experts at marketing fishing charters on the internet. With a portfolio of over 50 fishing charter related websites - many of which rank near the top of Google - we've had the chance to test what works and what doesn't. We draw on years of marketing experience and we'll use our knowledge to help you grow your business.

Under Promise, Over Deliver

We laugh everytime we read a website that promises "guaranteed placement at the top of Google." The fact is, no one can make such a guarantee, because reaching the top of Google is a complex process and Google tries hard to keep people from outsmarting their algorithim. We use a simple, natural process of publicizing your business online. Where others deliver quantity, we deliver quality by building trustworthy links from other respected websites. This is much more time consuming than the old fashioned SEO methods of just posting thousands of links to your site on directories Google knows are bogus, but we've proven that this method delivers more consistent, long term results.

Your Success is Our Success

We want to be more than just a company you write a check to each month for web services. We hope to create a long term partnership with you and help your company succeed. This goes beyond just helping you build a website and get it ranked. We will act as a partner in your business, giving you advice not just on your website, but other ways you can grow. We believe in the long run if we make you more successful, you'll expand your relationship with us, which is good for everyone!

Components of an SEO Campaign

  1. Link Building
    This is the fundamental piece of search engine optimization. Basically, Google, Bing, and Yahoo all look at the number and quality of the links that a website has to determine how relevant that site is and how high it should be ranked. It used to be that you could just post a million links and fool the system. Now, the search engines look at the quality of the links, which requires us to do much more work to find good sites. With the most recent changes at Google, having a lot of low quality links can actually hurt a sites ranking.

  2. Citation Building
    Citations are listings for your business that include your name, address, phone number, and sometimes website – similar to the information you'd find in the yellow pages. Citations are becoming increasingly important for search engine ranking and Google places ranking. Other companies will post your company in a bunch of places and move on. We actually do optimization to each of those listings to make them appear more relevant to search engines. We also check to make sure we are not adding duplicates

  3. Google Places Optimization
    For many local businesses including fishing charters, Google places the local Google Places listings ABOVE the search results. This means your local listing is extremely important. The citation building is the critical component for Google Places ranking, but having a complete Google Places page helps with ranking and conversions.

  4. Content Creation
    A large (and often misunderstood) component of SEO is content creation. Content refers to all the information on your site such as writing, photos, illustrations, and videos. Having great content has a direct benefit of making your site appear more relevant to search engines and improving conversions. Beyond that, other sites will link to your great content as - these are free links that you don't have to pay for, which helps your site rank higher. We are experts on fishing and we will help you create fishing-related content to use on your site or in other marketing.